About Us

We teach because we care


Early College Academy is honored to serve students in grades 9 through 12 that have not excelled in the traditional high school setting and are behind in their Ohio core graduation requirements. Our ‘whole-student’ approach addresses outside barriers that may hinder a student’s success in the classroom and is a safety net for students who may have slipped through the cracks; ensuring that they are able to successfully earn a high school diploma.


We commit to the success of each student at Early College Academy by providing a family environment that promotes growth personally and academically in a safe and welcoming atmosphere that acknowledges students as individuals in order to develop relationships built on respect.


With a long-standing reputation in the community, Academic Acceleration Academy was Columbus City School’s first charter school. Today, Early College Academy continues to be known for preparing youth to make academic strides toward their high school diploma. 



Mission: All of our students will be educated according to their academic needs and personal interests, and prepared for personal success in life, for their chosen careers, for life-long learning, and for contributing positively to their various communities.

Vision: To engage students in a curriculum that will enable them to earn a high school diploma and up to two years of transferable college credit towards a bachelor’s degree, tuition-free.

ECA is sponsored by the Educational Service Center of Central Ohio

2023-2024 ESC of Central Ohio Community School Sponsorship Annual Report


The staff at Early College Academy is dedicated to teaching and preparing students to engage in education thus impacting their future. Under the leadership of Mr. Jonathan Stevens, the qualified and caring staff works tirelessly to meet the needs of all students and provide the necessary tools to help them succeed.



The Ohio State University, BA English
The Ohio State University, BA English Education
Ashland University, ​MA Administration

Mr. Robert Bartels

Science Teacher

Mr. Tom Blake

Physical Education & Health Teacher

​The Ohio State University, BS Physical Education

Mrs. Kathleen Campbell

Mathematics Teacher

Currently teaching:

Math 1


Mr. Josh Johnson

Director of Curriculum and Student Engagement

Ohio State University, B.S.
Ashland University, Bachelor Plus

Ms. Donna Mathews

English Teacher


Mrs. Maureen O'Rourke

Math Teacher

John Carroll University, BA Education
Ashland University, Masters in Curriculum and Instruction

Ms. Cynthia Price

Social Studies Teacher


Mr. Tyler Rogers

Math Teacher

Oberlin College, B.A. in Mathematics
The Ohio State University, M.Ed in Mathematical Education

Ms. Suzanne Thompson




Andrew Schabo, J.D.
Attorney at Law

Eric Brandon
Vice- President
Executive Assistant to the Director of
Columbus Recreation & Parks Department
City of Columbus

Valerie Johnson
Municipal Courts

A.C. Sallee, Esq.

Dr. Donald J. Washington
Senior Pastor & Bishop
Mt. Hermon Missionary Baptist Church


Early College Academy
Board Meeting Calendar 2024-25

August 15, 2024
September 19, 2024
October 17, 2024
November 21, 2024
January 16, 2025 CANCELLED
January 22, 2025
February 20, 2025
March 13, 2025
April 17, 2025
May 15, 2025
June 19, 2025
August 21, 2025

ECA does not hold board meetings in July and December

All meetings will be held at the school, 137 E. State St., Columbus
43215, at 4:00 pm.

What is the Early College High School Model?

Early College High Schools are small schools designed so that students can earn both a high school diploma and earn up to two years of college credit toward an Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree. Early college high schools have the potential to improve high school graduation rates and better prepare all students for high-skill careers by engaging them in a rigorous, college-preparatory curriculum and compressing the number of years to a college degree.

Each early college high school develops a unique vision and a learning environment that represents community interests and student needs. However, all early college high schools share the following characteristics:

-Students have the opportunity to earn up to two years of transferable college credit while in high school.
-Mastery and competence are rewarded with enrollment in college-level courses and the opportunity to earn two years of college credit for free.
-The beginning years to a post-secondary degree are compressed.
-Schools provide academic and social supports that help students succeed in a challenging course of study.
-Learning takes place in small learning environments that demand rigorous, high-quality work and provide extensive support.
-The physical transition between high school and college is eliminated—and with it the need to apply for college and for financial aid during the last year of high school. After graduation, many students continue to pursue a credential at the partner college.

Ohio State
Columbus State
College Credit
Interested in joining our team?
We are always looking for new partners, volunteers and leaders

Parents Right to Know - Title I

Early College Academy is a Title I School. As a result, parents have the following rights:

Parents must be given more information, rights, and choices concerning their child’s education.

No Child Left Behind (NCLB) states parents have a right to:

Have access to their child’s individual performance levels on the statewide assessments.
-Know if their child’s school is making progress.
-Know the qualifications of their child’s teachers, and
-Be informed if their child is being taught by a substitute or a non-highly qualified teacher for longer than four consecutive weeks.

All parents and students are notified at time of enrollment as to the school-wide Title I status of ECA. Title I forms are mailed to currently enrolled students at the beginning of each school year.

ECA is sponsored by the Educational Service Center of Central Ohio (ESCCO)

Mailing Address:
2080 Citygate Drive
Columbus, OH 43219

Weblink to Sponsor Contacts